Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to CENTER Yourself in the Midst of the Storm

I spoke last week, at a homeschool conference. The workshop was called, "You Can Have Balance." Funny thing was, I wasn't feeling very balanced last week. As I drove off, from my house, to run a few errands and check in for the conference, I found myself overwhelmed and feeling like a hypocrite. How can I tell these people, who I are paying to see me, how to have balance?! I then recalled my tool for centering myself and began the affirmations and deep breathing. I was able to move forward through my night and a had a great workshop! I would like to share the centering sequence I found useful.

C-come to a complete stop and say to yourself "I am completely stopping."
E-embrace the moment and say "I am embracing this moment."
N-name your work, what is it you need to accomplish right then? Say, "I am going to do:_____"
T-trust your resources (what help do you have, who will help you if your are drowning ?) Say, "I trust my resources."
E-expect nothing, drop all set ideas of how you want it to go. Say, "I expect nothing."
R-return with strength, saying, "I will return with strength."

This sequence, when written on cards around the home, will soon be memorized and can help you center anywhere! It will take you 1-2 minutes to do the sequence. Isn't it worth your sanity and relationships around you, to take the time? You Can Have Balance!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to School Balance

As we start a new year of homeschooling, I tend to get these big ideas. I think I can plan this perfect schedule and the kids will wake up happy to do anything I show them! Ha! I spent the first day of school (according to the charter we use) cleaning the desk that was a huge pile all summer! Meanwhile my kids had a blast on a field trip with the substitute! My husband took them to the SF Zoo! What a great start to a new year.

I took the time to write down all my ideas for every subject. Including curriculum that I plan to use, theme ideas, party ideas, classes to take or host. The next day I read the kids a book called My Head is Full of Colors. It is about a girl who wakes up everyday with her head filled with colors, animals, people, books. She has these wonderful adventures. I then had the kids draw their head and what it is full of. I wanted them to draw their interests so I can be sure to individualize their learning. We then went over my ideas and they shared the ones they were interested in. I now feel I have a good idea what to cover. I think it is important to look at each child and how they learn, whether it be visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc. You need to write up or at least verbalize your educational philosophy for the year. This will include goals. My hope is that we can gradually move away from our unstructured summer, to a more activity filled learning adventure.

As the children sense the change they go through some adjustments. If they are not liking a lesson I am presenting, I try to adapt to what they need from it. You have to be flexible with homeschooling. Funny I have a hard time being flexible in life! I like structure, order, routine and rules. Right now I am working on a workshop called "You Can Have B-A-L-A-N-C-E." I have created a flip book that addresses all parts of balance. All though I feel a bit off right now, I know it will be a good reminder of the simple changes I can work on. I look at the book and am quickly reminded of body, area, love, aroma, now, centering and embracing. I can usually pin point the area I need to address. So, as you start a new year, remember balance and that you can have it.

Things I find fascinating

  • Bagua Board/ Dream board
  • Balanced Birth Approach
  • Birthing From Within
  • E Is For Ethics
  • Homeschooling
  • The Bradley Method Of Natural Childbirth
  • The Family Virtues Guide
  • The Power of Wisdom
  • Waldorf
  • Young Living Essential Oils
  • Zen in Ten Seconds